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Participation in the 3rd ACAG-CCOLA Public Sector Audit Forum

From 12 to 15 March 2012, at the invitation of Mr Peter Achterstraat — the Auditor-General of New South Wales, the Director of Audit and a Principal Auditor (Andrew Chang) attended the 3rd ACAG-CCOLA (the Australasian Council of Auditors-General and the Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors) Public Sector Audit Forum. The Forum was held mainly in the Parliament of New South Wales (Australia's first and oldest parliament) in Sydney with participants coming from various state audit offices of Australia, Canada, Fiji, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The Forum provided great insights into the future directions in public sector audit and allowed participants to exchange enlightening ideas and share good practices. It also created opportunities for international networking including possible training attachments of staff among different audit jurisdictions to enhance their professional knowledge and experiences.

審Director of Audit and other Auditors-General (with Forum Host, Mr Peter Achterstraat, Auditor-General of New South Wales at centre of front row)

Director of Audit and other Auditors-General (with Forum Host, Mr Peter Achterstraat, Auditor-General of New South Wales at centre of front row)

Participants of the Forum

Participants of the Forum

Attending the Forum in the Parliament of New South Wales

Attending the Forum in the Parliament of New South Wales

Official Forum Dinner (Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruise)

Official Forum Dinner (Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruise)