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Visit by the Head of Discipline Inspection Group, Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China

On 9 December 2013, Ms Qu Shuhui (Head of Discipline Inspection Group, Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China) visited the Audit Commission. Ms Qu arrived at our office in the morning and attended a meeting with Mr Pang Kwok-sing, Assistant Director of Audit, and three officers (Teo Wing-on, Francis Po and Jimmy Ng) of the Audit Commission. Mr Pang extended a warm welcome to Ms Qu. Our staff gave her a presentation on the work of the Commission. Ms Qu found the presentation very informative and asked questions on various aspects of our work.

Mr Pang Kwok-sing (Assistant Director of Audit) greeting Ms Qu Shuhui

Mr Pang Kwok-sing (Assistant Director of Audit) greeting Ms Qu Shuhui

Our staff exchanging views with Ms Qu

Our staff exchanging views with Ms Qu

Group photo with Ms Qu

Group photo with Ms Qu